Friday, January 31, 2020

Descriptive Essays vs. Narrative Essays Essay Example for Free

Descriptive Essays vs. Narrative Essays Essay Many people have different preferences on what type of writing style they think is more superior to another, I believe descriptive writing to be more excellent writing style then narrative. I can tell you that there are a few similarities and a few differences between the two. I prefer Descriptive essays, rather than narrative essays. In my belief, its that the descriptive essays are more effective when an author is trying to convey a story or get a message across than narratives. Descriptive essays keep the reader engaged throughout the story. It provides the reader with more in depth details, and it allows the reader to better envision the picture that the author is trying to paint. Descriptive and narrative essays have a few traits in common. Typically both almost make you feel as if you are present with the author. They both usually tell you of an event that the author went thru or a message the author wants you to receive. Whether you are reading the Personal Narrative or Descriptive Essay both are very creative form of writing. The difference between a narrative essay and descriptive essay is that the narrative essay is more catered to someone’s point of view in order to tell a story, whereas the descriptive essay describes a person or the place or an event by using vivid images. The writer describes a behavior or personality or uses our sense of smell, touch, sound, taste. Descriptive essays show a reader and do not tell them. Descriptive essays give a lot of details for instance, would you prefer to read an essay with a sentence like, â€Å"the girl ran down the street† or â€Å"the young girl ran down the street wearing light blue shorts and a white top, as her blonde hair blew in the wind†. The second sentence would catch a reader’s attention more than the first. This is a example as to why I believe descriptive essays are better than narrative essay, because they paint a better picture. â€Å"On Christmas Eve I saw that my mother had outdone herself in creating a strange menu. She was pulling black veins out of the backs of fleshy prawns. The kitchen was littered with appalling mounds of raw food: A slimy rock cod with bulging eyes that pleaded not to be thrown into a pan of hot oil. Tofu, which looked like stacked wedges of rubbery white sponges.  A bowl soaking dried fungus back to life. A plate of squid, their backs crisscrossed with knife markings, so they resembled bicycle tires.† Tan, A. (2013). This is an excerpt from the descriptive essay Fish Cheeks. When we as a writer provide our readers with such descriptive details you can almost picture yourself in that kitchen, and I became engaged from this point on. It is easy for the reader to get wrapped up in the story when the author is using descriptive language to paint a vivid picture. The audience can visualize the food, and the way it looks. Narratives are more direct and straight to the point, and that can cause a lot of readers to get lost or disengaged. A descriptive essay takes the dialogue to a different height by the details given by the author allowing us as a reader the ability to share the authors experiences by explaining and to show us rather than just telling us. When giving more details, the reader obtains more of the story. When reading the article I Want a Wife (Brady, 1971), the author gives a brief description of their friend who had recently become divorced and was now looking for a new wife. The author goes into explain how she also, would like a new wife. She then explains the â€Å"duties† her new wife would complete for her. The new wife would be preparing meals and keeping a clean home. Here comes my issue with this narrative, I am left wondering about this womans story. I want to know who she is. Is this description of her own marriage? What is her husband like? Is she not happy? Does she like being a wife? Narrative essay focus more on the information, and again telling the reader the story from the point to point they may use different forms of dialogue to convey this message to the audience. The author may use intriguing humor or tell the story first hand in first person to try to make the reader interested. The benefit of writing a story that contains many details is that it also allows the reader to visualize and feel the emotions that the author is trying to convey. The descriptive language presented in Fish Cheeks; the reader is able to visualize them as a fourteen year old who describes a Christmas Eve dinner when she as fourteen, how she felt when the boy she had a crush on, who, was also a minister’s son and his family had been invited to have a traditional Chinese dinner with her family. Her being afraid of what he would think of her and her culture, and of how she just wanted to fit in: When she finds out he is invited to dinner, she cries because she fears what he might think of her and her families Chinese  Christmas celebrations. Her fears came to life just as her mother brought out the steamed fish, with its eyeballs still on. Also, her father added to her worries by poking the fish’s cheeks and announcing that it was her favorite. When everyone left Amy’s mother handed her a gift a mini skirt, and told Amy that she could look like an American girl on the outside, but she would remain a Chinese girl on the inside , saying to Amy â€Å"Your only shame is to have shame.† It was a lesson that she would understand many years later. When Amy describes, this all I can visualize every piece of her story. In conclusion, by the author providing descriptive language and more in depth details to captivate and engage their audience, and by also allowing the reader to become wrapped up in the moments and emotions being depicted and painted throughout the story and providing a more engaging experience for the reader, this means to me that a descriptive essay is more beneficial than a narrative essay. A descriptive essay has a larger and long lasting impression and impact on the reader, and the audience walks away as if they just lived the story or event described themselves. It not only has that but, also the message that the author was trying to convey been instilled into the reader to remember forever. References Tan, A. (2013). Fish cheeks. Retrieved from Brady, J. (1971). I want a wife. Retrieved from

Monday, January 27, 2020

Religion Essays Cesar Chavez and His Movement

Religion Essays Cesar Chavez and His Movement Cesar Chavez and His Movement: The Religious Perspective Introduction At first, I didn’t know much about Cesar Chavez and his cause to help farmers. As I started reading several of his speeches, I discovered a common ground. During most of his speeches and strikes, Cesar frequently made references to the teachings of the Catholic Church. My research relates to why Chavez promoted his Catholic faith in his speeches, and what type of impact did it have on the migrant farm workers and the Catholic Church. Cesar Chavez and His Motivation for Justice Cesar Chavez was born on March 31, 1927, in Yuma Arizona. His family lived in a small farm that was granted down to the family by his grandfather.1 Trying to survive the Great Depression, the family had to migrate because they were unable to pay their property taxes. â€Å"The loss of land planted the seed of rebelliousness that would one day grow into Cesar Chavez’s willingness to protest against injustice to farm workers.†2 However, the main resentment occurred during school. Born speaking the Spanish language, the school reminded him he was an outsider: In class one of my biggest problems was the language. Of course, we bitterly resented not being able to speak Spanish, but they insisted that we had to learn English. They said that if we were American, then Villarreal 2 we should speak the language, and if we wanted to speak Spanish, we should go back to Mexico. When we spoke Spanish, the teacher swooped down on us. I remember the ruler whistling through the air as its edge came down sharply across my knuckles. It really hurt. Even out in the playground, speaking Spanish brought punishment.3 This type of treatment was the typical to Mexican-American immigrants and migrants. From a personal standpoint, my grandmother would tell me similar stories of how she was ridiculed by the teachers and the students when she emigrated from Mexico to the United States during the 1930s. Like Cesar Chavez, my grandmother never received a formal education. Her large family couldn’t afford sending everyone to school. There wasn’t enough money, and she was forced to drop out of school in order to help maintain the house along with her sisters while her brothers were out working in the cotton fields. This form of â€Å"Americanization† to speak English was forced upon many foreigners. For Chavez, however, this treatment didn’t just stay in the schools; it followed him everywhere he went as he remembers being forced to sit in segregated sections in movie theaters and being denied service in restaurants.4 All these experiences, from racial discrimination Villarreal 3 to the harsh migrant life, would later be the planting seeds to build a union dedicated to eliminating those injustices. The American Catholic Church was not too optimistic about Mexican-Americans either. The Catholic Church and the culture of Mexican Americans are very different. In Jay Dolan’s book, Mexican Americans and the Catholic Church: 1900-1965, â€Å"Hispanics bring to the Catholic Church spiritual and communal traditions which are very different from those of other Catholics whose origins lie in Anglo-Saxon and Eastern European cultures. The challenges presented to the United States Church by the large numbers of Hispanics will be formidable.†5 Mexican Americans has been criticized for their â€Å"faith expressions† that did not always reflect official American Catholic Church teachings and regulations.6 However, this was not the case with the entire Catholic Church. When Chavez moved to San Jose, California in 1952, he met a Roman Catholic priest who would dramatically impact his life.7 Father Donald McDonnell became acquainted with Chavez, and later began teaching Chavez about social justice and labor movements among farm workers. McDonnell introduced encyclicals of Pope Leo XIII that outlined the church’s support for workers who protests against injustices. These new ideas shared with Chavez sparked the development of his own personal Villarreal 4 philosophy that would inspire him to develop his own crusade to help farm workers.8 The Philosophy behind Cesar Chavez Chavez’s intellectual and moral basis for organizing farm workers came from not only from Father McDonnell but from studying a variety of subjects who were great leaders in history. However, he was particularly influenced by Mohandas Gandhi. It was through Gandhi that Chavez was inspired to introduce his own philosophy of nonviolence.9 After gaining vital experience from working as an organizer for the Community Service Organization (CSO), Chavez decided to move to Delano, California in 1962 to start his own union devoted to farm workers. His first step in organizing was to learn the physical makeup of Delano and get acquainted with the farmers. Then, he mapped out towns between Arvin and Stockton and visited each one of them over the course of six months. When he saw workers in the fields, he approached them to see if they were interested in joining a union. In 1962, Chavez convinced enough farmers to form a union known as the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA). The group would change its name several times, finally settling on the United Farm Workers (UFW).10 However, it was not an easy task forming an organization. In 1965, he delivered a speech at a meeting of the California Students Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in Fresno talking about how difficult it was to establish the NFWA. He spoke about the importance of the number of people in the union and the importance of outside help.11 Chavez found it useful to promote his newly established union to a nonviolent committee such as the SNCC to prove to the nation that this farmers union was a nonviolent one. However, nonviolence tactics did not attract all the support he needed, especially when the opposition resulted in violence. In 1966, two thousand Filipino farmers of the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee (AWOC) protested over receiving lower salaries than braceros. Braceros are temporary workers from Mexico that are recruited by the grower industries. Larry Itiong, the head of the AWOC asked Chavez and the UFW to strike against grape growers. Chavez agreed to strike but the moment they began to hit the picket lines, the growers fired guns at the strikers. Chavez recalled: â€Å"in a period of seven days we had fourteen incidents where they actually fired a gun at the strikers.† 12 Chavez quickly realized the importance of outside help after the grape strike. Chavez thought that the strike would be only against the growers but he was wrong. He later recalled: Within twenty-four hours from the movement that we had hit the picket lines, the City Council had passed a resolution condemning the Red ties. The High School Board and the Elementary School Board had done the same thing. And the Chamber of Commerce did it also with the exception that their statement was a lot more wordy. And three days later when everything seemed to be against us the Church had not yet acted†¦At that point we were cut off completely. We had no friends in Delano except for the workers. We had no money†¦Things looked very bad for us.13 Using Religion Chavez knew that if he wanted to rebound from this negativity, he would need support from the Catholic Church. Since most of his UFW was composed of Mexican Catholics, the blessings of the Church would legitimize the union and unite their followers.14 However, the Catholic Church was not really helping his cause at first, but he was getting help from the California Migrant Ministry (CMM). At first Cesar was suspicious of the CMM because they were Protestant, but he later admired them for their help and condemned the Catholic Church for not helping his cause for justice. In his speech â€Å"The Mexican American and the Church,† he thanks the entirety of the Church, not the Catholic Church, for the help with the Delano grape strike. At about that same time, we began to run into the California Migrant Ministry in the camps and field. They were about the only ones there, and a lot of us were very suspicious, since we were Catholics and they were Protestants. However, they had developed a very clear conception of the Church. It was called to serve, to be at the mercy of the poor, and not to try to use them. After a while this made a lot of sense to us, and we began to find ourselves working side by side with them. In fact, it forced us to raise the question why our Church was not doing the same.15 It became obvious that the Protestant groups were deeply involved with Chavez and his cause. Chavez and the farm workers wanted the church to walk with them in their struggle for justice. Chavez wanted the Catholic Church to serve the farmers because their cause for justice was legitimate: What do we want the Church to do? We don’t ask for more cathedrals. We don’t ask for bigger churches or fine gifts. We ask for its presence with us, beside us, as Christ among us. We ask the Church to sacrifice with the people for social change, for justice, and for love of brother. We don’t’ ask for words. We ask for deeds. We don’t ask for paternalism. We ask for servanthood.16 This was a good strategy for Chavez since it placed the Catholic Church in a position that if they don’t help the farmers, the Church would risk getting criticized for helping the oppressors of the farmers. He finally got the help he was looking for. In 1966, Chavez planned to enter the DiGiorgio grape property in order to retrieve personal belongings left at the camp by the farmers. Chavez â€Å"wanted to have either Father Victor Salandini, a Catholic priest, or Chris Hartmire [an ordained minister] go into the camp as witnesses.†17 However, the priests were promptly arrested when they entered the property, but were later released. The result of the priests being arrested sparked a unity between the Catholic Church and the Mexican American cause to stop injustices. In 1968, the U.S. Catholic bishops addressed the need for the Catholic Church to assist in reconciliation between the growers and the farmers. â€Å"In addition, the bishops recognized the legitimacy of the workers’ demand for legislative protection for their right to organize for the purpose of collective-bargaining contracts†¦Finally, the U.S. bishops Villarreal 9 affirmed the moral teaching of the church with regard to the right of workers to organize and strike.†18 Chavez reaching out to the Catholic Church and the Catholic Church responding, portrayed to the nation that the farmer’s cause was a religious and moral movement to end injustice. The religious imagery, in turn, united the farmers and it’s followers. Conclusion Cesar Chavez and his religious perspective helped unite people to fight for the farmers. By being acquainted with the writings of Pope Leo XIII, Chavez understood the impact religion can have when fighting for injustices. The Catholic Church preaches good morals and ethics, so Chavez was able to relate his cause to the teachings of the Church. The religious ties brought respect to the organization especially among Hispanics. The majority of Hispanics are very religious people. I know this because I’ve lived in a Hispanic environment all my life. My mother and father are Hispanics and religious faith plays a big role in our lives. In fact, I’ve seen a lot of Hispanics go to the extreme of tattooing the crucifix or the Virgin Mary on their bodies to show their religious faith to the public. It’s the homespun religion we obtain from our elders that keeps the Mexican-American and Catholicism united. Chavez knew the relationships between Mexican Catholics and the Church, so he successfully united his followers by using religious imagery. Dalton, Frederick John. The Moral Vision of Cesar E. Chavez. New York: Orbis Books, 2003. Dolan, Jay. Mexican Americans and the Catholic Church. University of Notre Dame Press, 1994. Hammerback, John C., and Richard J. Jensen. The Rhetorical Career of Cesar Chavez. College Station: Texas AM Press, 1998. Ingram, Catherine. â€Å"Cesar Chavez.† In In the Footsteps of Gandhi: Conversations with Spiritual Social Activists, 98-121. Berkeley, Calif.: Parallaz Press, 1990. Levy, Jacques E. Cesar Chavez: Autobiography of La Causa. New York: W.W. Norton Company, 1975. Meister, Dick, and Anne Loftis. A long Time Coming: The Struggle to Unionize America’s Farm Workers. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1977. Mosqueda, Lawrence J. Chicanos, Catholicism and Political Ideology. Lanham, MD.: University of Press of America, 1996.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Lets Put an End to Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation Essay

We Must Put an End to Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation Without animal research, cures for such diseases as typhoid, diphtheria, and polio might never have existed. Without animal research, the development of antibiotics and insulin would have been delayed. Without animal research, many human beings would now be dead. However, because of animal testing, 200,000 dogs, 50,000 cats, 60,000 primates, 1.5 million hamsters, and uncounted millions of rats and mice are experimented upon and die each year, as living fodder for the great human scientific machine. Some would say that animal research is an integral part of progress; unfortunately, this is often true. On the whole, animal testing is a necessary evil that should be reduced and eliminated whenever possible. Since the time of Aristotle, animals have been used to further human progress. When Galen pioneered the study of anatomy or when Harvey discovered the circulation of blood, they used animals as a vital portion of their work. Why? Because at the time there was no alternative short of testing on human beings, an option very few would morally accept then or even now. Throughout all of human history, the pattern has remained the same—human technological and scientific progress has always involved testing on animals. Without that testing, modern medicine would be a shadow of what it is today. Many modern procedures stem directly from testing with animals. In addition, doctors and surgeons receive much of their training with the living tissues of animals. Computer simulations and other methods simply cannot compete with experience on a living being. For example, the United States Army formerly shot goats to train physician responses to gunshot wounds (Cole ... ... Rights and Wrongs.† Taking Sides: Psychological Issues. Gilford: Dushkin Publishing Group, 2011. Lane, Stuart. â€Å"Banning Animal Testing May Be Hazardous to Your Health.† Priorities Spring 2013: 23. Loeb, Jerod M. â€Å"Human vs. Animal Rights: In Defense of Animal Research.† Taking Sides: Science, Technology, and Society. Gilford: Dushkin Publishing Group, 2011 Oà ­ Connor, Karen. Sharing the Kingdom. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Lmt, 1984. Regan, Tom. â€Å"Ill-Gotten Gains.† Taking Sides: Bioethical Issues. Gilford: Dushkin Publishing Group, 2009. Rohr, Janelle. Animal Rights: Opposing Viewpoints. NP: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Weaner, Dave. Personal Interview. 22 March, 2014 Whistler, Ann. Personal Interview. 24 March, 2014 Zak, Steven. â€Å"Ethics and Animals.† Taking Sides: Science, Technology, and Society. Gilford: Dushkin Publishing Group, 2007

Sunday, January 19, 2020

personal :: essays research papers

Depression is a chronic mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and irritability. Many people do not realized that depression is a disease, it’s a real medical disorder where changes occur in the brain, and they have medicine that helps correct these imbalances. Depression has been described as a â€Å"whole-body illness† because it doesn’t only affect the person’s mood but can affect every aspect of a person’s life. Depression is an illness, not a state of mind or a weakness. Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, but there are also other factors that may play a role as well, such as: environment - a significant loss, a difficult relationship or financial problems all produce stress. The body, by secreting extra amounts of certain hormones persisting for a long time, can produce changes in the brain actually killing some of the nerve cells. psychological - peoples whose personalities involve pessimistic thinking, low self-esteem and excessive worrying are more likely to develop depression. Genetics could also play a part - parents, siblings and children of depressed people are four times more likely to get depressed than a non-relative. Depression can affect anyone, any age. Even infants can become depressed, and may even die when they receive only a limited amount of human contact. Out of the estimated 17.6 million Americans suffering from depression each year, 1.5 million are children under eighteen. In teens depression is sometimes masked, shown in different ways like drugs, alcohol use, trouble in school, at home or with the law, withdrawal from social activities and sulkiness, grouchiness, and over-sensitivity. Sadness may be shown by wearing black clothes, writing poetry with morbid themes or music with nihilistic themes. Sleep disturbances may be shown by watching television all night, difficulty in getting up for school, or sleeping during the day. Lack of motivation and lowered energy level is reflected by missed classes. Getting lower grades than usual can show loss of concentration and slowed thinking. Boredom could also be a sign of depression in teens, loss of appetite may become anorexia or bulimia. Depression can appear to come out of nowhere, or it can be triggered by a life event such as the death of ones mother or the divorce of ones parents. According to the American Psychiatric Association, someone is depressed when loss of interest or pleasure in almost all activities, or feelings of sadness last without relief for at least two weeks.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Economic Security of South Korea Essay

The economy of South Korea is ranked at fifteenth place in the world. In terms of its relation with the United States, South Korea is the seventh largest trading partner. South Korea is well known for its high level of growth in economic field. Before 1960, South Korea was just another poor third world country and hardly known regionally as well as internationally. Its economic booming has elevated South Korea in the eyes of international cooperation especially the Organisation for Cooperation and Development (OECD). Factors Affecting The Economic Security Life span Primary health care has improved tremendously for past decades. Consequently, good quality of life has contributed to longer life span among the population of South Korea citizens. Therefore the median of age of working population has shifted towards older generation.The aging population seems to be of major concern among the economic community because they might affect the economic growth of the nation. In order to sustain rapid economic growth South Korea would require constant support from the young and dynamic generations. Education The economy needs continuous supply of skill labours to sustain growth. Even though the government preach for the need of educated society, the financial allocation is low compare to the needs of parents in educating their children. Hence, the parents end up paying high price for additional classes in school as well as high tuition cost in tertiery education for securing good career. The cost of education is so high that each family restricted the number of children in order to provide excellent education for the child. Even then, the competition is stiff and demands for the need of furthering studies to a higher degree. North and South Relation The relationship between North and South Korea remains an enigma in the sense that their economic status is wide apart where the south enjoys the booming of industry while the north deteriorating. Without the humanitarian aid, the people of North Korea would continue to suffer from food shortage. Having consider the hunger situation of people of North Korea, there is always a military threat towards South Korea. However, South Korea remains hopeful that its volatile neighbour would open its barrier to economic aids thus playing the role of good neighbour. Even though North and South Korea still under conflict, the economic relationship between the two countries remain strong. Being a communist country, China is the largest trading partner for North Korea. However, South Korea has risen to be the second largest partner in terms of economic trade with North Korea. These economic ties is constantly under pressure due to the high possibility of incidences under volatile North Korea foreign policy as well as influences from the communist bloc. For instance, in March 2010, North Korea had torpedoed South Korean warship resulted in 46 soldiers were killed. Despite all the evidence pointing towards her, North Korea deny the responsibility. However, South Korea suspended its trade relationship with North Korea. In another incidence, North Korea fired artillery shell onto Yeonpyeong Island killing two civilians and wounding another 13. These incidences even though had not escalated to full blown war project serious economic security for the Sou th Korea. Globalisation Another factor which affects the economic security of a nation is globalisation. By virtue of globalisation, it increases the interconnectedness of nation and people of the world as the communication and transportation becomes cheaper, faster and readily available. Globalisation reduces the artificial barrier of national border, hence allowing the flow of goods, capitals, services, people and knowledge across the world faster than before. Rapid globalisation allows nation to trade with other nation thereby creating mutual economic interdependence. Economic interdependence is recognised as a positive factor which promote security. South Korea adopted the strategies in using the economic interdependence in order to advance its security goals. Their strategy can be clearly seen in the diplomatic relations towards neighbouring military threat i.e. China. The similar strategy is also adopted towards large powerful nations such as Soviet Union. South Korea’s strategy towards his immediate neighbour North Korea was based partly on the economic interdependence. In the long run, the economic integration might serve as a check and balance on the head of government policies towards each other. Hence the economic integration serve as to avoid any disruption for those links by the use of military threat. (Kahler and Kastner, 2004). Financial Crisis By the same token, globalisation also foster a threat to the security of a nation via economic conflict. The economic crisis of 1990 which struck the markets in Asia shocked the nations and many financial institutions. The globalisation leads to economic openness which in turn causes susceptible economic security since it allows for foreign investors to gain ownership on domestic enterprises. The crisis had caused major implication on South Korea economy as well as a few other countries in South East Asia including Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. At the beginning of the crisis the assets had deflated down to the new record low, forcing economic panic in South Korea. In order to sustain economic stability, South Korea succumbed to the adjustment programs after bank lending was suddenly stopped. Fortunately, the economy of South Korea return to rapid recovery. In the world of globalisation, information technology becomes the trend of the decade. Hence, South Korea is able to enjoy economic growth because of the high demand in consumer spending for electronic gadgets. The growth will continue to flourish as long as South Korea able to stimulate consumer spending through innovation of technology. The big question is how long can South Korea sustain new innovation to keep the demand pour in and continue to expound economic expansion. On the other hand, globalisation reduces vulnerability through diversity of suppliers and markets. Therefore, economic pressure as well as unilateral sanction becomes less effective because the multi trade relations would able to absorb the pressure. For example, even though China is a major trading partner for South Korea, it cannot act unilaterally on South Korea because of its relation with other super power such as the United States. By the same token, North Korea may pressure South Korea to some extent but would apply cautious because of its relation with China and the United States. Transnational Organised Crimes Another factor that may affect the economic security of South Korea is the infamous transnational organised crime i.e the terrorist attack. The September 11, 2001 shocked the whole world when the World Trade Center building in the United States of America was brought down. The terror caused the world to rethink of the new dimension brought about by the terrorist activities. Even though the tragedy was halfway across the globe, South Korea was also affected because the US was its major trading partner economically. Since the economy of South Korea is widely known for its growth, many have overlooked the threat it creates among the people of South Korea. According to the report, South Korea has one of the highest suicide rates in the world where it has doubled over the last decade. The flourishing economy has increase the standard of living hence putting a lot of strain on household income. Moreover, the success story of economic turnover had masked the financial constraint among small and medium businesses as well as the people who were indebted. The reforms had causes high unemployment as well as unstable employment. In other words, the economy has created insecurity among certain group of population which ended up with suicide notes. Epidemic attack The economy of a country is susceptible to any sporadic of epidemic or pandemic attack of viruses. The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is a type of Atypical Pneumonia which can kill. It was identified in 2003. Due to its ability to spread quitely within the travelling group, and later created killer pneumonia, the whole world population were discourage to travel. South Korea was not spared of the economic consequences of SARS. Tourism industry was the most affected. Domestically, some public places such as school were closed and shopping mall suffer declined number of customers because of fear of SARS. Community restricted the movement for necessary requirement causing reduction in consumer expenditures and consumer services. However, the effect on economy was minimal compare to other South East Asia countries such as Hong Kong and China. The economic security fluctuates according to the demands of the international arena. When the prices of chips increase and the oil price reduces, South Korea gain positive trade advantages and pocketed tremendous profit because it was the second major supplier of chips to the United States. On the other hand, any sign of price weakening of electronic markets or a hike in oil prices could severely punished the South Korea economy because its export is based on electronics. Summary Undenialbly, economic security is not a new dimension in international relations. It has always been part of the security plan of the governing body of the nation. It is being exploited so as to avoid any security breach of of one government on another government as well as its policy. Each governement would consider economic interdependence with cautious and wariness because it can create both security as well as vulnerability.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Law Enforcement Today

Enforcement Today Name CJS/200 October 28, 2012 Instructor Name Law Enforcement Today Police departments in today’s society face a variety of issues such as working in a multicultural society, corruption within the department, the dangers involved in their work, such as violence on duty, and their use of force when subduing a suspect, just to name a few. (Schmalleger, 2011). With so many issues to consider, the job of policing our streets continues to become increasing challenging. As society in the United States continues to evolve, this country has become home to people of various ethnic backgrounds and cultures.This creates more issues for police departments when the police department is not diverse enough, and this could lead to racial profiling and language issues. When a police officer is unaware with the dialect or the language of the community, this can make it harder to investigate cases because it makes it tough to find out whether the crime has happen, when it happe n and where it happened. If a police officer considers a person’s race to determine if a crime has happened, or more likely to happen, this is what is considered as racial profiling (Schmalleger, 2011).One solution to this problem would be to hire and train more officers that speak more than one language. Along with racial profiling, officers face another issue within their police departments, which is corruption. While most officers take their vow to protect and to serve seriously, and honor the commitment they took, there are others who do not. Some officers fall prey to temptations such as bribery. The lower salary of a police officer is one reason for officers to accept bribes (Schmalleger, 2011)..Some police officers will take money as payment from an offender for making a speeding ticket disappear, or for walking away from a drug transaction in progress. Another form of corruption would be when an officer denies the suspect their constitutional right to due process by p lanting evidence at a crime scene. Other officers may commit offenses such as drinking while driving, and by using illegal drugs. Their idea that they are above prosecution, because they are a law enforcement officer, is another form of police corruption (Schmalleger, 2011). Corrupt behavior can also lead to violence when something goes wrong.Police officers also face the dangers of violence in the line of duty, as well as the risk of coming into contact with dangerous, or infected evidence (Schmalleger, 2011). For example, when an officer has to respond to a domestic violence incident, there is a real possibility of the perpetrator becoming violent with the officer as well. Officers also need to be cautious of how they handle infected evidence, such as the needles which are used by a known drug user, If a drug suspect has disease such as Aids, an officer can become infected with Aids if he does not handle the needle properly, and inadvertently sticks himself with the needle.They al so face the possibility of coming into contact with dangerous evidence, such as explosive devices. Issues such as these make the officer’s job extremely dangerous. Fortunately, local law enforcement officers have the benefit of a close working relationship with state and federal law enforcement agencies to assist their efforts in combatting crime. Law enforcement at every level share information with the United States Department of Homeland Security, to safeguard the land of the United States from criminal activity which may occur domestically or at the hands of another country.These agencies include The United States of Citizenship – The Immigration Services, The United States Border of Protection, The United States Immigration – The Customs Enforcement, The Federal Emergency Management Agency, The United States Secret Service, and The Transportation Security Administration. The United States of Citizenship and the Immigration Services handle the progression of citizenship, residency, and housing for foreigners.The United States of Custom and the Border Protection is a law enforcement method that puts in force United States borders including land, sea or even air. The United States Custom and the Border Protection watches and enforced the customs, agriculture regulations and immigrants. The United States Immigration and the Customs Enforcement were put into 2 areas. One was to have an investigation of international and national crimes which was called Homeland Security Investigation.The other one was to enforce the removals of immigrants that violate, which was called the Enforcement and Removal Operations. The Transportation Security Administration was known for taking care of the air travel security international and domestic. Also they were responsible for the territory and the water transport security (Department of Homeland Security, n. d. ). The United States Coast Guard was the services for safeguarding our natural resources, defen ding national, and security of maritime.The United States Secret Service is known as an law enforcement that gives safeguard services for vital government officers. The United States Service also protects the United States exchange. Some suggestions on to how to develop the relationship between the DHS the police department is by educating more law enforcement and home land officials about using security and the process about how to use it too. More suggestions will be improving communication by learning different ways to communicate by adding language programs or just hiring a more diverse officer.Another suggestion will be improving is on how well the private security and the law enforcement get along. This matter because this takes an important role in Department of Homeland Security. References Department of Homeland Security. (n. d. ). Homeland Security Information Network – Law Enforcement Mission. Retrieved from http://www. dhs. gov Schmalleger, F. (2011). Criminal jus tice today: An introductory text for the twenty- first century(11th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall

Monday, January 6, 2020

Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee - 2334 Words

â€Å"As I often say, we have come a long way from the days of slavery, but in 2014, discrimination and inequality still saturate our society in modern ways. Though racism may be less blatant now in many cases, its existence is undeniable,† Al Sharpton once said. Racism and classism are prevalent motifs that existed more prominently in the past, and continue to exist in the present. Harper Lee elaborates on this universal idea in her novel, To Kill a Mockingbird which is about the protagonist, Jean Louise Finch, Scout for short, and her childhood which takes place in the somnolent Southern town of Maycomb County, Alabama. The novel talks about the crisis of conscience and race that rocked the fictional town of Maycomb during the Great†¦show more content†¦Atticus is shown to be an outsider in the white community because of his unique and acceptant nature. After a few meetings with Mrs. Dubose, an elderly, peevish, racist woman who lives near the Finches, Scout asks At ticus a question about race, and he answers by giving her a lesson on name-calling. In the text it says, â€Å"You aren’t really a nigger-lover, then, are you?† â€Å"I certainly am. I do my best to love everybody...I’m hard put, sometimes---baby, it’s never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name† (Lee 144). This shows Atticus’s anti-racism and love for all kinds of people, including blacks. Racists use â€Å"nigger-lover† to suggest that a person is trying to give African-Americans special rights, but Atticus points out that all he is arguing for is equality and loving everybody the same by saying, â€Å"I do my best to love everybody.† When Atticus expresses, â€Å"it’s never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name† he is referring to the whites as â€Å"somebody† calling Atticus a â€Å"nigger-lover.† Atticus is pointing out that such accusations reflect back n egatively on the accusers, showing them to be prejudiced, ignorant and illiberal. Thus, Atticus is calling them â€Å"poor† in the sense that they are vile in spirit and deficient in understanding. Their insults do nothing to hurt enlightened, fair-minded people like Atticus.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Peregrine Financial Group Inc Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1716 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Peregrine Financial Group inc. known as PFGBest. This company is investing for a long term probability of success for customers, it offering different group of products, technologies and services including futures, forex, futures options, full-service brokerage, precious metals, trader education, and, of course, direct online trading with emphasis the opportunities of lower barrier to entry. This company is one of the largest non-clearing U.S. Futures Commission Merchants, with customers, affiliates and brokerage offices in more than 80 countries. With the article, Russ Wasendorf, Sr., CEO of Peregrine Financial Group, Inc. in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.Monday, Sept. 17, 2012,he was arrested by FBI, judges order that would free the disgraced businessman while he awaits sentencing for a $200 million fraud scheme at his Iowa-based brokerage. Wasendorf admitted to the $200 million fraud that he first confessed in a note found on him after an unsuccessful suicide attempt in July. Wasendorf likely will face a recommended minimum sentence of at least 24 years in prison at his sentencing hearing, which was not immediately scheduled. The guilty plea marks the latest step in the stunning downfall of a businessman and philanthropist who was well-known in financial circles and a major player in Cedar Falls. Wasendorf built over decades to pay back the 24,000 customers who are missing money. The receiver has already gotten rid of Wasendorfs corporate jet, and is trying to sell the company that published Wasendorfs books and magazines on investing and also sell Wasendorfs homes, his 4,000-bottle wine collection, the upscale restaurant he owned in Cedar Falls, and the $20 million company headquarters that stood as a symbol of Wasendorfs home-grown success with a firm he started in an Iowa basement 30 years ago. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Peregrine Financial Group Inc Finance Essay" essay for you Create order Stakeholders Analysis Primary stakeholders shareholders The shareholders had trusted by the false information or agent. The shareholders will be facing a significant loss. Wasendorf actually fraud the shareholders and caused the crisis of the investment of the company within 20 years. Wasendorf affected the companys reputation and caused the company had to compensate those who deceived by Wasendorf for all these years which is counted as 24,000 customers and this incident led the official defunct. Primary stakeholders employee Due to the Wasendorf fraud, the company had official defunct because of uncover the loss on the 24,000 of customer. In this case, the employees will be losing the job. Primary stockholders -creditors Besides that, the creditors had trusted by the wrong information, the creditors will be affected and the creditors can only get back 30% to 40% of the funds which was invested for the company. Additional payments are expected but the bankruptcy trustee has warned they will fall short of making customers whole. Secondary stakeholder Investors The investors had trusted the wrong financial information on this company. The investors will affected the investors because was cheated by Wasendoft. The investment which invested on the company was loss because of the company defunct. The investors cant get back the funds and it may be caused some of investors having the cash flow problem or bankrupt. It also caused the investors loss on confidence on investing on other company. The ethical violations By the view of utilitarianism principles, the consequence must benefit to greatest number of people. But the action of Wasendoft was more harm than good to most number of people. The 24000 of investors have been harm by lose their money. Shareholder also been harm by lose their money due to the share price of the company drop after the news of the company CEO Wasendoft fraud break up. It also may influence other people to follow his back step to check and other investors or company. It also will occur more and more problem after the company bankup and it employee losing their job. Such as, thief, investor of the company bankup, economics of the country been affected. But it only benefit Wasendoft by prop up his struggling firms finances. At the conclusion, the harms are more the good so it breads the utilitarianism principles. Based on universal principles, the duty must be justice, right, fairness, honesty and respect. But Wasendofts duty was dishonesty to his investors by cheating their money to generate the company monthly reports for showing the company was holding more than 200 million in customer funds than it actually had. At the same time, his also use the money to personal and other business interests. Continue for formula of humanity of Kants ethical theory as an end in itself ensures that the motivation behind every action must be the good of humanity, but Wasendofts duty was breaking this theory by itself motivation behind the action is bad of humanity. Wasendoft cheating his investors money to his personal use and other business interests. According to the right principle the Peregrine Financial Group CEO Russ Wasendorf Sr was break two categories of right when he is the CEO of the company. He breaks the legal right because he gave fraudulent statements to his accounting department showing fictitious deposits and balances. The false numbers were used to generate monthly reports to regulators showing the company was holding more than $200 million in customer funds than it actually had. According to the law the action that he did was guilty. Other than that he also breaks the moral right, he use his position right and authority to embezzling the investors moneyfor a range of personal and other business interests. Under the right principle there are two types of right. There are positive right and negative right. Under the positive right the CEO Russ Wasendorf Sr must help the investors to gain more profit as more as possible but he did not do it. The CEO also breaks the negative right of the investors. The investors have the right to check the account of the bank without interfere by others but Russ Wasendorf Sr was changing the banks address in the statements to a post office box he controlled and send back false documents purporting to be from the bank. Furthermore, under justice principle the CEO Russ Wasendorf Sr was breaking the principle of equal liberty of the investors. This is because he changing the banks address so that the investors have no the equal right to get the information. The method to avoid such problem in the future Set a fix appointment period for CEO and avoid to renewal. From the case, we know that defender commit in fraud in a company for 20 years and it never found by anyone until he lapse at the last time he commit the fraud. The reason he can hidden his fraud is he was familiar day-to-day operation of the company include the procedure of money transfer, time, date and also the preparation of financial report. With their identity as CEO, he also can access into the company high confidential secret profile and get the information the company had. In additional, we should keep in mind that the most loyal employees can take advantage over company. So by provision the period that a CEO can be appointment and refuse to renewal the contract of CEO can create a better secured for company to prevent fraud made by high management levels staff. Hiring outside Certified Public Accountant firm to audit financial report. Although each corporation has their own professional accountant to manage their financial account but hiring the professional CPA from outside to audit company account can help to prevent fraud and also bring advantages to the company. The following are the advantages of hiring outsider accountant. Internal accountant will more caution when prepared their report because it will be audited by external accountant hiring from outside company which is more professional. Fraud can be prevent because the financial report is monitor, filtered and keep track by the professional CPA firm. They are trained and experienced and that makes them the perfect choice to trust all of companys accounts with. Because of professional, the CPA has skill and ability to identify the problem in an account and thus can help organization to detect fraud in the company. As an outsider, they act as just and doesnt has conflict interest with the company. Strictly requirement to recruit CEO In this case, the CEO is responsibility to all the fraud made by it so the requirement for recruit a CEO should be highly strict and prudent. There are several important term and condition can be made to CEO. Require a CEO to open their personal financial report to B.O.D of the company by annual to make sure their financial is health. Make sure there is no conflict interest between CEO with the company. It is preferable if the CEO doesnt own any company with a clear background. The accuracy schedule of the CEO journey should be recorded. Including where he goes, who he meets and what he does. Provision the CEO to attend the ethic program per annual set by company to upgrade the moral ethic of CEO personality. The ways prevent such problem in the future. 1. The criminal may be ordered to do community service, such as giving speeches about business crime. It will be more helpful which the speakers have the experience before. The criminal can share his experience to other people, at the same time, it also as a type of reminder to him himself for prevent do any business crime in future. People will more believe that other people real experience compare to only study form book. For instance, junk-bond king Michael Milliken was compelled to give speeches about corporate crime after he was convicted of insider trading. By the speech given by Michael Milliken, people will believe and prevent they self from do such miss take in future. 2. Next, judges may disqualify the individual from employment. Judges can prohibit criminal from engaging them in same or similar occupation. It can prevent which person that judges believe he will danger for the social from prohibit them occupation in same of similar job after they relieve from jail. This ways also can prevent his or his members follow or continue doing the same thing and it will become a type of reminder for the criminal and other people doing the same miss take occur in future again. Other people also will afraid doing business crime in future.